Right now, we're into this super-random squishy cube thing. Applejack: Uh, not to nitpick, but acting as a group kinda negates your individual- Applejack: You know what? Yes. Derek: Want to join us alternative ponies? We're a group of individually minded ponies that think things that aren't cool are actually cool. Applejack: That's totally me! Derek: Whoa. You seem like the kind of pony who bucks what all the followers follow and goes to the beat of your own drum. But this black beret matches the core of who I am now.
#Applejack hat wiki full#
That hat was full of adventure and spunk. Part 2 Applejack: What is life without a hat to wear off into the sunset? A hat to get me through the good times and the bad? That is what makes life worth livin'. Oh, no! This fluffy failure will not fly! Applejack: This. What's a hat that says "I'm havin' an identity crisis?" Applejack: Hmm. I just don't think I'm gonna be able to reinvent myself. Applejack: Who cares about cowpony hats? This new me needs space! Applejack: Pinkie Pie: So? How's it taste? Good enough for hometown? It has to be perfect! Applejack: It's delicious. Applejack: Applejack: Now this is more like it! Excitement! Adventure! Heroics! Applejack: HOT! Rainbow Dash: Almost got it! Pinkie Pie: I said preheat, not overheat! Applejack: Hmm. Pinkie Pie: I've got another hat that just might work. Pinkie Pie: Aw, tough flight? Applejack: I-I don't know if this hat is for me. Applejack: Twilight Sparkle: Whoop! Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, Applejack. what am I doin'? I don't even know what to- Fillies and gentlecolts, this is Captain Applejack speakin'. Pinkie Pie: You look good! Applejack: Hmm. while I figure out what's going on with my sponge cake? Somehow it's too fluffy. Why don't you just give some other hats a try. I'm not sure who else I can be without the hat to match. Find a new identity! Applejack: I don't know. Pinkie Pie: Well, I'll tell you what I'd do in your hooves. But with everypony wearin' the same hat as me, it's like. Pinkie Pie: Hot fudge? Applejack: Mm-hmm. I love my hat 'cause it shows who I am on the inside and on the outside. Pinkie Pie: Sprinkles? Applejack: Rainbow, please. What can I do ya for? Applejack: This big a crisis might call for a double scoop. Applejack: Pinkie Pie: Pull up some stool. Applejack, I think you've got that window clean.
#Applejack hat wiki tv#
Pinkie Pie: Now I'm ready to perfect my sponge cake for TV! So giddy-up on that cleaning, y'all! Pinkie Pie: The TV crew will be here in less than twenty-four hours! So let's make it sparkle, people! Pinkie Pie: Hmm.

Applejack: Uh, what is happening? Rarity: Ooh, Rarity, you taste-making, talented trendsetter! You've done it again! Applejack: All right. Rainbow Dash: Equestria Presto instant delivery! Twilight Sparkle: Make room on the bandwagon, y'all! Applejack: Oh. Rarity: Rarity: And I thought to myself, "That's what's missing." I can put on a show with my old west chapeau! Applejack: You sure can! She. Rarity: You know those days when you're just not feeling anything in your massive, option-filled, overflowing closet? Rarity: I have nothing to wear! Applejack: Mornin', Rarity. Pinkie Pie: Wow! Amazing hat, Rarity! Applejack: It is amazin'. Mane Six: Pinkie Pie: Hometown cook-offs are right around the corner! We need this place looking spotless A.S.A.-! Fluttershy: Pinkie Pie? Is this clean enough? Rarity: Darlings! Applejack: Huh? Oh! Rarity: Sorry I'm late. Part 1 Rainbow Dash and Rarity: Applejack: This is a love story. How Applejack Got Her Hat Back Transcript